Current Status Of Recruitment - Recruitment Currently on Hold
We are temporarily not recruiting as numbers are at the levels we require, however please keep a watch on this page. Details of all posts we do recruit for are still incuded below.
Biker, driver and Controller Recruitment
Recruitment of bikers and drivers is once again active, as demand from the NHS grows and the demand for volunuteers is needed.
We are taking on more and more day time commitments from Hospitals and Milk Banks. We need people that can spare maybe one day a week to be able to undertake requests that come our way, whilst being available for a few nights too. The three key criteria are:
You must be able to undertake a absolute minimum of 2 duties per month (average 24 a year) but aim for two/three per month or more.
Have day time availability as well as the option to cover night duties on a semi frequent basis, as that is now where much of our pressures are being seen
Vitally important as a motorcycle rider, you must in possession of an Advanced pass, taken within the last three years, and then renewed every 3 years.
Also the make and model of bike you use will be a consideration, as it must have the rack strength and structure to safely carry a blood box weighing around 9kg on average. The use of ‘home made’ racks and plates is not as a rule an option.
A good number of deliveries need cars, so we do have both car and bike requirements
On occasions a Fleet Bike or Fleet Car may be available to use, but we have only a small fleet. The Fleet Motorcycles are not available to new members until 6 months service has been completed.
With less than 12 duties a year we would generally not be able to maintain your membership due to the administrative time and costs involved. On average our current members undertake around 36 a year, many do more for which we are grateful.
Our Service Offering
SERV Herts and Beds delivers blood, blood products, samples, donated breast milk and other clinically urgent items every night and all day at the weekends free of charge to the NHS.
Our members have a variety of backgrounds, jobs and family circumstances and are trained to an approved standard to provide a professional service to our hospitals.
Our Controllers
We are always looking for volunteer controllers, riders and drivers who can offer around 2 duties per month or more.
The controller is the single point of contact between the hospital and the rider or driver delivering the service. Night Controllers are on call from 19:00 until 07:00 during which they receive calls from the hospitals, hospices and other SERV groups. Based on various requirements they select one of the on-call volunteers to undertake the collection and delivery. The Controller would already have checked for any road closures and hold-ups. They will agree the route and estimate the times for collection, delivery and returning home. The Controller has a shared responsible for ensuring the safety of the rider/drivers.
SERV Herts & Beds also liaises with adjacent SERV groups and will meet them at agreed "Hand Over Points" for the onward transfer of patient samples, usually to Colindale.
The Controller is also responsible for updating the call log and ensuring proper records are kept.
Our Drivers and Riders
The volunteers are on call between 19:00 and 07:00 the next morning. Most volunteers will be on rota once or twice a month , but it is purely voluntary.
Prior to being placed on the rota, the volunteer would have attended training courses covering the proper handling of the blood product boxes, then out on the road with an instructor to learn the standard routes between the NHS Blood Centre in Colindale and the client hospitals.
When a call comes in from the Controller, they will be given the collection and delivery points, what is to be transported, a time the product will be ready for collection and whether it is Essential or Urgent. The rider and controller will agree a route. The rider/driver is responsible for their own safety and is expected to ensure their bike or car is in good condition, filled up with sufficient fuel for the run and that they are wearing the appropriate clothing.
For Riders/ Drivers wishing to make deliveries by car, we have a requirement to have held a Full UK Licence for a period of at least two years and be a minimum of 25 years of age.
For those riding motorcycles, we have a requirement that you must be in possession of a current ‘Advanced’ rider qualification, and taken or renewed it in the last three years and every three years going forward, no time minimum for holding a full license applies.
Note: The definition of a current ‘Advanced’ riding qualification is IAM Green Badge, RoSPA Advanced, or Police Class 1, any of which must have been RENEWED within last 3 years.
The rider/driver is expected to carry a fully charged mobile phone which is used to contact the Controller when they have collected the product, when they have made delivery and when they have returned home. They would also use the phone to advise the Controller of problems.
There are normally 5 volunteers on call each night, including weekends, and usually they will only make one run per evening. However, on occasions, the volunteer may be requested to do a second run. A run can be between 30 and 100 miles and can take between 1 hour and 3 hours to complete.