SERV Herts and Beds News and Updates

Fleet Bikes Update - 2nd May 2018

Dear Fellow SERV H&B Members,

As promised, an update on progress and plans – and a couple of invitations. We now have the order for two more liveried FJRs in the Yamaha UK system, and await information on delivery dates. I’ll let you know when I get that.

A small sub-group, composed of:

Ian Hunt, John McCombe, John Brown, Duncan Woods (all Committee), Mark Lawrence (Trustee) and Dave Wilson (Member)

met on Monday to discuss how to deploy and use the machines once we have them.

The initial view is that we place them around our Region in a number of “Hub” points where members can access them. We have some offers already, but if you have a secure, brick garage and would be willing to host a liveried bike from time-to-time, please contact me.

We are still working on details of how this will work. More soon.

Meantime, if you would be interested in using one of the machines on shift, please express your interest to me, and I can explain the draft rules (yes, sadly there have to be rules, but we will try to minimise them!).

This is still in the very early stages, and will develop as we go forward and learn what represents best practice, but it should offer a useful addition to what we currently do.

Please, do come back to me with questions, it is easier for me to talk you through it than put it in an email.

John McCombe
Chairman & Trustee, SERV Herts & Beds